Buildings for Sale in Toronto

Did you buy your investment property yet?

The market is starting to shift as more and more investors are looking to take advantage of the lower prices for real estate in Toronto.

We saw multiple properties last week go into multiple offers and sell for over asking.

A 4 unit building in Highpark listed for $1.3M got sold for $1.55M and another 7 unit building got a bully offer and was sold before it’s offer date.

This is contrary to what we are seeing being played out in the market.

What does this mean for you?

If you’re in the market for a property, get out there and see what’s available. There are some good deals still to be had (think $300K per unit pricing) and you should go take a look at them.

If you are in the market and need a second opinion, please reach out to me and I would be more than happy to assist you!

Happy Investing!

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